Piyathida    ID: 1510258

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Age:  24
Birth Date:  14/10/1999
Horoscope Sign:  Libra
Height:  155
Weight:  43
Eye Color:  Black
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Nurse
Education:  University
Not Religious
Marital Status:  Never married
Drinking:  Never
English Speaking Skills*:  Beginner
Other languages:
Residence:  Bangkok , Thailand
Date the member of your dreams: asian member Piyathida from Bangkok
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
There are always such people in life who like to hurt others with malicious and speculative eyes. One's greatest malice is to impose one's own understanding on others. And always thought he was right. You're not me. How do you know what I've been through. How can you know the joys and sorrows in my heart. In the corner where you can't see it. There are a lot of things you don't know.
There are always such people in life who like to hurt others with malicious and speculative eyes. One's greatest malice is to impose one's own understanding on others. And always thought he was right. You're not me. How do you know what I've been through. How can you know the joys and sorrows in my heart. In the corner where you can't see it. There are a lot of things you don't know.
Her Type of Man:
I am a model myself, good body shape, love travel, love new trend stuff, love party, a typical work hard play harder type of girl, have religion. At work I maybe cold and hard to get close but when off work I am actually down to earth
Gorgeous profiles only: perfect member Piyathida

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