Minghui    ID: 1464094

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Age:  39
Birth Date:  16/11/1984
Horoscope Sign:  Scorpio
Height:  168
Weight:  50
Eye Color:  Black
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Business owner
Education:  Doctor Degree
Not Religious
Marital Status:  Divorced
Drinking:  Never
English Speaking Skills*:  Advanced
Other languages:
Residence:  Shanghai, China
Most gorgeous profiles: caring Thai member Minghui from Shanghai
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
I have my training school, about singing, dancing, drawing, kinds of like this. I always go abroad to learn how to expand my business here, to learn more experience about how to run my taining school better. To go USA more, I have many friends there, and they tell me where I can learn more, where I can dig more. and also other countries where I can find a new class for my traning school. Now, I have several schools in different cities here.
i like shopping when i have time, also like go to gym. i always like to try to keep myself look beautiful and young. so maybe you think my face and my figure look like a young girl. i like watch movies, all interesting movies. i like play piano, do you want me play it to you?
Her Type of Man:
I need the man who will help me about business, if do not want to work any more, we can also sell everything, to travel all over the world, to enjoy all the happiness together.
Gorgeous member profiles: female Asian member Minghui

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