Nicole Lee Monterde    ID: 1552126

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Age:  24
Birth Date:  11/06/1999
Horoscope Sign:  Gemini
Height:  168
Weight:  60
Eye Color:  Black
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Business owner
Education:  University degree
Not Religious
Marital Status:  Never married
Drinking:  Never
English Speaking Skills*:  Fluent
Other languages:
Residence:  Davao City, Philippines
Hundreds of gorgeous pictures: Asian American member Nicole Lee Monterde from Davao City
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
I have America,Chinese,Philippine origins, I live in the Philippines now. I am a gentle, kind and independent girl. I constantly improve myself in life. I am open to new things.I am a little bit naughty, confident, intelligent with smile as charming as angel. I am a nurse,and I work in my father’s hospital. In my spare time I just like to arrange flowers in vase,I take classes of it ,because dealing with these flowers makes me feel so happy.
I loves dancing,travelling,swimming,cooking,fishing and cosmetology. I have been visited some places home and abroad,and it make me realized that there are so many things I don't even known. I could know more people,contact new things and cultures through travelling. For me cooking for people I love and watching they eat up is a happiness. I went to swim with friends in rivers in summer when I was a little girl,and that's a lovely memory for me whenever I swimming,it reminds me the happiness of childhood.
Her Type of Man:
I hope you are a kind mature person who regards marriage seriously, but with a sense of humour in the daily life.
Gorgeous profiles only: member Asian American  Nicole Lee Monterde

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