Wen     ID: 1612331

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Age:  43
Birth Date:  03/06/1981
Horoscope Sign:  Gemini
Height:  170
Weight:  60
Eye Color:  Black
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Anesthetist
Education:  Master Degree
Not Religious
Marital Status:  Never married
Drinking:  Socially
English Speaking Skills*:  Not Set
Other languages:
Residence:  Shanghai, China
Gorgeous profiles pictures: Wen from Shanghai, dating Asian, China, Thai member
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
I consider myself to be a romantic, independent, and supportive partner, and these qualities are fundamental to the way I approach love and connection. I am someone who appreciates the little gestures, the heartfelt conversations, and the deep emotional bond that comes with being in a loving relationship.I value my autonomy, my individuality, and my own personal growth. I believe that a healthy relationship is one where both partners support each other’s dreams, goals, and aspirations, while also maintaining a sense of self and independence. I am someone who values personal space, freedom, and the opportunity to pursue my own passions and interests, even within the context of a loving partnership. I believe in being there for my significant other through thick and thin, offering a shoulder to lean on, a listening ear, and unwavering encouragement. I value open communication, trust, and mutual respect in a relationship, and I strive to create a safe and nurturing space where both partn
One of my greatest passions is photography. I have always been fascinated by the art of capturing moments and emotions through the lens of a camera. Whether it’s exploring nature, capturing the beauty of landscapes, or documenting special events, photography allows me to express my creativity and appreciation for the world around me. I find solace and inspiration in the process of framing the perfect shot and immortalizing memories through photography. I have a passion for cooking and experimenting with different cuisines. I find joy in preparing delicious meals, trying new recipes, and sharing the experience of food with loved ones. Cooking allows me to be creative, express my love for flavors and textures, and bring people together around a shared table.
Her Type of Man:
I desire a partner who is passionate about life and has a sense of purpose. Someone who is driven and ambitious, yet knows how to appreciate the simple joys of everyday moments. I imagine us supporting each other’s dreams and aspirations, cheering each other on through life’s challenges, and celebrating each other’s successes. I long for a man who shares my love for adventure and exploration. Someone who enjoys the great outdoors, appreciates the beauty of nature, and is always up for new experiences. Whether it’s hiking in the mountains, strolling along the beach, or simply watching the sunset together, I hope to find a partner who values these moments of connection and serenity. I envision a man who has a curious mind and a thirst for knowledge. Someone who is open-minded, willing to learn and grow, and appreciative of different perspectives. I believe that intellectual stimulation and shared interests can enrich our relationship and deepen our bond over time. Above all, I
Gorgeous member profiles: Wen, dating free Asian profiles

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